After attending a top tier college and marrying the man of my dreams, I had a life where everything was going right. A thriving wedding planning business. A well furnished home. Then out of nowhere, tragedy struck. We were struggling to get pregnant, then when we did I had a miscarriage. At this moment, I had a decision to make. Would I let the grief and pain of loss lead me into hopelessness or would I lean on the Lord when it hurt the most to keep hope alive?
Emotion Code
IMPORTANT: This modality does not require you to share personal details of past traumas or upsets.
Body Code
The Body Code is a tool to be used to tap into the subconscious mind to determine what imbalances need to be corrected. Like a computer, the subconscious mind records every belief, thought, word or action that has happened throughout our lifetime.
Belief Code
“A belief is a subjective view held by the subconscious mind that something is true or false, right or wrong, and is the filter through which life is viewed and experienced. Our conscious beliefs are things that we want to believe and have control over. However, sometimes our subconscious beliefs don’t align with those desired thoughts. For example, we might be working on valuing ourselves more. Every day, we might look in the mirror and say, ‘I am worthy.’ That’s what we want to believe. However, when we look deep inside ourselves, we might find that it’s hard to accept this idea because we have a deep-rooted negative belief about ourselves. Even if we repeat positive affirmations, speak kindly to ourselves, and take care of ourselves, these subconscious negative beliefs can make it extremely challenging to see ourselves in a positive light.”
Integrated Quantum Therapy
"With the IQT method, I have developed the ability to connect to you: physically, to your conscious mind, to your subconscious mind, to your non-conscious mind and to your higher-self, or soul. I ask questions which are either, Yes or No, True and False, Strong, or Weak. This way I receive the information from you, and then convey the results. I do not interpret. I check the present life, past lives, previous lives, and the ancestors for issues and energies affecting us now.
Chakra & Dimensional Bodies
Many people are aware that there are some extremely intense energies coming into our planet right now, but what many people are not aware of, is how much these energies are impacting us. Our energetic bodies are taking the biggest hit; there are too many symptoms to list, but even just “feeling off” can be common when our chakras and dimensional bodies need help. If you are sensitive, or doing a lot of purging, you may benefit from having these corrections made more often (can also be great support if you are having processing symptoms from another session). Vanessa will include in the report the amount of time before another session would be beneficial to you personally (at this time, the frequency of sessions is most commonly anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks, of course this is not required- just helpful!). This can be a great way to keep our bodies processing energies better and can help you feel more grounded, present, and open; and overall less foggy, less stagnant, and less scattered.
Entity/Negative Energy Clearing
This is a much-needed service right now, because as the vibration of the planet is rising, many lower vibrational energies are coming to try to hinder the process. Sadly, having an attached negative energy is more common than most people think, even in children and pets. We can unintentionally pick up an attachment from anywhere at any time, or they can come to us; and symptoms can range anywhere from severe to seemingly unnoticeable. Being in a low vibrational state (perhaps due to illness, pain, other entities, being upset, etc.) makes it easier for an entity or negative energy to attach. Of course, we do not want to cause fear, but to bring awareness to this issue so that it may be addressed.
House/Land Clearing
Structures/houses and land can harbor many different energies, entities, ghosts, etc. These energies may come and go, get stuck, or choose to stay-possibly affecting anyone in, on, or around the space. If you notice something feeling off - try not to drop into a fear state - instead, always try to remain high-vibrational. It is best to avoid trying to have two-way communication with any of these entities/beings, rather just get them cleared by someone with experience.
Combination Services
-The Emotion Code IQT Combo Session-
Coming Soon:
-Crystal/Stone Services
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