Alice Springer

Let Your Story Shine

After attending a top tier college and marrying the man of my dreams, I had a life where everything was going right. A thriving wedding planning business. A well furnished home. Then out of nowhere, tragedy struck. We were struggling to get pregnant, then when we did I had a miscarriage. At this moment, I had a decision to make. Would I let the grief and pain of loss lead me into hopelessness or would I lean on the Lord when it hurt the most to keep hope alive?

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Rachele Kehler is a seasoned Holistic Relationship and Human Design Guide, blending over a decade of experience as a former therapist and a diverse array of therapeutic modalities, spiritual energetics and somatic tools. With a client-centered approach, Rachele guides individuals through a transformative journey of reconnecting to self to truly understand the interconnectedness of their love, life and relationships around them!  

Drawing from modalities such as Human Design, feminine energetics, nervous system support, therapy tools, EFT and intuitive insights, Rachele supports growth-oriented individuals in releasing survival strategies that no longer serve them. Her work focuses on honoring each client's unique nervous system, providing holistic support and intuitive guidance to help their brain get on board so that their body feels safe to make lasting, integrated changes in life.

See What People Are Saying...

Rachele helped me understand how areas of my life that I'd been challenged with could be reframed to highlight my power and potential. Through my Human Design Reading with her, I'm confident in how I can embody my natural strengths and live in better alignment with my true self. She provided a very potent breakdown - helping me explore and understand my design in a way that would not be possible through researching on my own. This experience was deeply validating.


Rachele helped me understand how areas of my life that I'd been challenged with could be reframed to highlight my power and potential. Through my Human Design Reading with her, I'm confident in how I can embody my natural strengths and live in better alignment with my true self. She provided a very potent breakdown - helping me explore and understand my design in a way that would not be possible through researching on my own. This experience was deeply validating.


Working with Rachele helped me build such a strong foundation of self-worth that I don’t think I could have done on my own. Rachele’s collaborative approach made change sustainable. She truly helped me come into my power.


Rachele offers the perfect balance of being a steady, open, safe space while also giving just enough challenge, push and reflection to garner true transformation. She always believed in me, always cheered me on, always supported my process. She saw me, and I don't think you can put a price on that.
If you're feeling called to get some support, but have fears that you'll be judged, written off, disbelieved or otherwise abandoned or treated like you're 'too much' - know that Rachele is your woman. She gets it. She's been there. She can hold you. Please do this for yourself, you won't regret it.


What drew me to Rachele initially was her holistic approach to mental health and wellbeing. I have really resonated with her and have experienced tremendous personal growth as a result. Rachele has helped me move forward in areas of my life where I have felt paralyzed and stuck. She has inspired and motivated me to create and maintain a personalized self-care routine, which has helped me reconnect with self-love and my femininity.


Rachele's Approach

Foundational Human Design Reading + Custom Guide Book

This is a foundational Human Design Reading for one person. 

A foundational reading helps you understand the fundamentals of your design so that you can understand how to live in your alignment. This is best suited for those desiring to be taught about their Human Design in a clear and concise way. Beginners as well as those who have done their own research, are highly encouraged. For those who have had multiple readings and wish to go deeper into the work, please email Rachele directly

What's included: 

A live 90 min  Zoom call with Rachele. She will teach you both how to understand your chart, how to live in alignment with your soul purpose, how you best make day-to-day decisions and point out the many unique gifts you have that your chart will reveal. You may ask any questions during this time!

You will understand your type, authority, profile lines, definition, centers, channels and if time allows, your incarnation cross. 

In addition, you, will learn how you communicate best, and how your energy and the energy of others impact your day to day life. We will discuss the impact of conditioning and how you can heal once you understand the main components of your chart. 

A customized guidebook that you can go to any time to understand aspects of your chart.

A lifelong recording of your reading that you can continue to refer to conveniently and that will help you start living in alignment with your design.

Couple's Human Design + Guide Book

This is a foundational Human Design Reading for a couple. BOTH are required to be on the live zoom call and fill out the intake forms.

A live 2-hour Zoom call with Rachele. She will teach you both how to understand your chart, how to live in alignment with your soul purpose, how you best make day-to-day decisions and point out the many unique gifts you have that your chart will reveal. You may ask any questions during this time!

You will understand your type, authority, profile lines, definition, centers, as well as understand the energetics of your specific relationship dynamic when paired together.

In addition, you, as a couple, will have the information you both need to respect each other's way of communicating and operating and understanding how you both bond together. (Trust me, its fascinating!!)

A customized guidebook that you can go to any time to understand aspects of your chart.

A lifelong recording of your reading that you can continue to refer to conveniently and that will help you start living in alignment with your design.

EFT Sessions

EFT Nervous System Reset: (1hr live on zoom)

EFT = Emotional Freedom Technique. This process is a somatic energy clearing to help you with a stuck emotion or stuck belief. This work is radically transformative and helps calm the nervous system immediately.

I have been using this with clients for the last 8 years, and it has dramatically improved their lives by instantly calming their triggers, stress and overwhelm.

In addition, you will receive a recording for you to refer back to any time that you need it.

Please note that Rachele has permission to guide the session to what she feels would be most supportive for you at the time.

Holistic Coaching Integration Sessions

During this one-hour session, it is best to come up with one issue or goal you’d like to focus on. This is an amazing addition to any of the energy-clearing practitioners, helping you actually make the behavioural changes required for lasting daily shifts! Coaching is about what is happening in the now and learning how to move forward.

Depending on the goal, Rachele may recommend some homework or suggest booking another session to support you in your change.

You can expect to receive intuitive advice, support and strategies to get you to where you want to go in life. Rachele will use her extensive 10 years of experience to support you in making those next-level upgrades in life!

*Please note that these sessions are not meant for trauma clearing or addiction. If you wish to work on this, please contact Continue Collective to find the right practitioner for your needs. 

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