Introducing Scott, the dedicated healer and guardian of well-being at our beloved wellness collective. With an intuitive passion for holistic health and a wealth of experience, Scott is committed to empowering individuals on their transformative journeys toward wellness.
Drawing from life times of experience, Scott combines ancient wisdom with modern holistic practices to create a nurturing and transcendent healing experience for his clients. In each session, Scott creates a space of trust and comfort, where clients can explore the depths of their physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. Scott believes that true healing arises when we reconnect with our innate wisdom, release stagnant energies, and restore balance.
After a career in banking and business, Scott studied the Yuen Method completing his studies and interning directly under Dr. Kam Yuen in 2009.
After working full time assisting clients with their health issues, Scott created Integrated Quantum Therapy or the IQT Method. This allowed Scott to identify and correct the "root cause" of an issue rather than focus on treating the symptoms. Next came NLP, Reiki I, II & III, Access Conscious Bars, Therapeutic Touch, Medical Intuitive, Sound Healing, and most recently Simple Health Test.
When not tending to clients, you might find Scott performing sound journeys and meditations with his gongs, crystal singing bowls, and other healing instruments.