After attending a top tier college and marrying the man of my dreams, I had a life where everything was going right. A thriving wedding planning business. A well furnished home. Then out of nowhere, tragedy struck. We were struggling to get pregnant, then when we did I had a miscarriage. At this moment, I had a decision to make. Would I let the grief and pain of loss lead me into hopelessness or would I lean on the Lord when it hurt the most to keep hope alive?
Unfortunately, I have been chronically sick on and off the last eight years of my life. I have been to doctors and functional doctors and world renowned infectious disease clinics with no sustained healing or improvement. Sadly, I didn’t know where else to look for help until my functional nurse practitioner suggested energetic response testing as I was reacting to medicines and foods and had lost any quality of life. And that’s when Mandie and Scott entered my life.
Working with Mandie has literally been life-changing. I am healing and getting stronger every day and I cannot be more grateful. My family cannot be more grateful! Mandie’s gentle energy, kindness and support has been so important to my healing process.
And Scott… he is utterly magical. Scott’s healing energy continues to amaze and support me when I have a flare up or a new healing hurtle to tackle.
Working with Scott and Mandie together has been the missing link in my healing journey. Knowing that they work together, even behind the scenes on their own time, to ensure my body can handle certain supplements and continued healing protocols gives me the confidence I lost in myself and my body and makes me so excited for the next steps in my journey.
Jennifer B.
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