Alice Springer

Let Your Story Shine

After attending a top tier college and marrying the man of my dreams, I had a life where everything was going right. A thriving wedding planning business. A well furnished home. Then out of nowhere, tragedy struck. We were struggling to get pregnant, then when we did I had a miscarriage. At this moment, I had a decision to make. Would I let the grief and pain of loss lead me into hopelessness or would I lean on the Lord when it hurt the most to keep hope alive?

Emotion Code,

Body Code,

& Belief Code

The Emotion Code

IMPORTANT: This modality does not require you to share personal details of past traumas or upsets.

“The most common yet unrecognized cause of our physical and emotional pain is trapped emotions. A trapped emotion is an area of pure emotional energy. Trapped emotions may become lodged anywhere in the body, and when they do, they ultimately end up causing emotional, mental, and physical effects. Trapped emotions exert a distorting force on the body’s energy field. This distortion affects the tissues of the body, creating physical pain and malfunction. Every biological process taking place in the area of the trapped emotional energy is going to be affected to some degree, including cellular processes, chemical reactions, blood flow, lymph flow, and the flow of acupuncture meridian energy.” -The Body Code book by Dr. Bradley Nelson

 If you have a trapped emotion, you will attract more of that emotion into your life. You will also tend to feel that emotion more often and more readily than you otherwise would. Not to mention the spiritual and general affect that trapped emotions have on our lives.

 If part of your body is already vibrating at a high or low frequency, it is much easier for your entire being to fall into resonance with it. Trapped emotions (as well as other negative energies) tend to keep you in a lower, more negative frequency, and feeling negative will either create or perpetuate unfavorable circumstances in your life.

 Every thought we have radiates into the cosmos; our thoughts are powerful; and what we think and feel, we create.

 In each Emotion Code session, trapped emotions associated with, or contributing to, an issue/concern of the client's choosing are released.

The Body Code

“Your body is self-healing. It knows perfectly what is wrong with you and what you really need to function optimally. The Body Code is how we ‘decode’ those needs. We can use it to identify underlying causes of your issues and use our combined intention to clear them or find what else you may need. This technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment, but by correcting underlying imbalances, we help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over.” -The Body Code book by Dr. Bradley Nelson

The Body Code is a tool to be used to tap into the subconscious mind to determine what imbalances need to be corrected. Like a computer, the subconscious mind records every belief, thought, word or action that has happened throughout our lifetime.

The Body Code is designed to find and correct the imbalances that may be blocking you from being healthy or successful. Our Certified Body Code Practitioner can help your body return to a more balanced state by finding and correcting the imbalances that are blocking this balance, or are in your way. The Body Code can work for both physical and emotional concerns as well as any desires that you may have to be your best self.

The Belief Code

“A belief is a subjective view held by the subconscious mind that something is true or false, right or wrong, and is the filter through which life is viewed and experienced. Our conscious beliefs are things that we want to believe and have control over. However, sometimes our subconscious beliefs don’t align with those desired thoughts. For example, we might be working on valuing ourselves more. Every day, we might look in the mirror and say, ‘I am worthy.’ That’s what we want to believe. However, when we look deep inside ourselves, we might find that it’s hard to accept this idea because we have a deep-rooted negative belief about ourselves. Even if we repeat positive affirmations, speak kindly to ourselves, and take care of ourselves, these subconscious negative beliefs can make it extremely challenging to see ourselves in a positive light.”

Beliefs are lenses through which we perceive the world. They can influence our actions, emotions, and life choices. However, not all beliefs serve us well. Some are limiting, were born from past experiences, or from external influences. Beliefs and belief systems can turn into limiting loops or cycles, and can leave you feeling stuck in a rut. This is because once a belief is formed, the subconscious will always be looking for ways to reinforce that belief, to ensure that it is “accurate”. However, it can do this by altering our overall perception, which can make it difficult to release and let go of our own belief systems. Many of our most prominent beliefs and belief systems are actually buried deeper in the subconscious, and can often be hidden from our conscious awareness. The Belief Code offers a way to uproot these subconscious beliefs, freeing us from incongruous belief systems, and allowing us to experience levels of freedom that may not have been accessible before.

The Belief Code is a unique, holistic, and comprehensive energy clearing method that builds on principles of the Emotion Code and the Body Code. It applies mind-mapping techniques to allow the subconscious mind to lead us to identifying the layers and components that make up a faulty belief system- we can then release unwanted beliefs, help to reverse negative systems of thought, and create space for new empowering beliefs.

Schedule a session to discover how this groundbreaking method can help you unearth and release unwanted subconscious beliefs, freeing your mind, body, and spirit to reach new heights!

Please note: Only subconscious beliefs that are incongruent with conscious beliefs can be changed energetically, and the individual must have a desire to change the incongruent belief.

The Emotion Code + IQT Combo Session

These sessions go deeper into the emotional baggage; after each trapped emotion is released, our practitioner checks for and corrects/clear any associations with IQT. 

The Body Code + IQT Combo Session

After each Body Code correction, our practitioner checks for and corrects/clears any associations with IQT. Many clients have seen amazing results rather quickly with this approach!

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